Thursday, 6 November 2014

Video: Cutting a Music Montage

In this video, found through a recent post on 'No Film School', a number of useful tips for editing a music montage are shared. The author explains his different approaches and workflow when editing either a dramatic montage (telling a story) or a show-reel of beauty shots. For a dramatic montage, the music is added after the images as it is less important, but with non-dramatic this is the reverse - cutting to the beat of the music to link the images and keep the audience's interest. 

He goes on to talk about what transitions work best in a non-dramatic sequence. Dissolves are best used when the images it connects have no relation to each other, such as nature shots, and cuts for when they do. He also advises to let some shots extend across the beat rather than always cutting to it, as it draws attention to that shot and prevents the audience from always being able to anticipate the next - as they'd lose interest quickly.

Whilst cutting his sequence, he pays close attention to lines of action and the where the audience's focus is drawn to, such as fish changing direction from right to left, and he uses this to ease his decision for the next shot. He matches some of the movements within the shots with changes in the music and also creates his own subtext within the footage to make it more dramatic and engaging, something that we were also advised whilst putting together 'The Movement' documentary.

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